Friday, December 05, 2008

Our back deck, grill and lawn furniture are all buried under the fluffy white death of summer. I have been pretending for the past week that it was a dream, that I could rub my eyes and blink twice then the grass would be green, the dogs would be chasing squirrels around the house and I would have my knobbies gripping dry warm dusty dirt.

Today I woke up.

On the lighter side of this otherwise depressing blog post I have some good news in the form of rambling thoughts.

Instead of writing out my base training plans I have been searching the web for cool products, fun races and weird blogs. Here are the highlights:

Cool Gear

Swiftwick has some sweet american made socks. You can check them out HERE. You know the drill, if all of us click the link and swiftwick notices, maybe I will score some these.

I put the Mamasita on a strict diet this winter. She was lacking carbon so one of these is in the mail.

Next thursday will be my final day of intern teaching. In addition to base miles I will be job hunting. Wish me luck and let me know if anyone needs a certified teacher with a background in special education, six years of bike industry experience, with an ability to coach tennis, write poetry and take so so photographs. I am open to just about anything.

1 comment:

Danielle Musto said...

I'm definitely doing DS&G, and tempted to do Ouachita.