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At the start of the season I had grand aspirations to try my hand at an Olympic Distance Triathlon. 1.5K swim, 40K Bike, 10k Run. .9 miles of wet and wild fun, 25ish miles of burning lung busting anaerobic big ring raging and 6.2 miles of quad questioning pain.
Having completed this at the Niles Triathlon last weekend I realize I did not respect the distance.
I stood on the wet sand with my teammate Kevin at 8:15 staring out at the buoys that required binoculars to see and wishing I had my water wings. The .9 mile swim took 38 min., 28 minutes slower than mediocre pros, and 10-12 minutes off the lead group containing Kevin and several speedy bikers.
I exited the water and ran into T1 pumping my fists in the air. I was happy with my effort and especially stoked that my wife would not need to cash in on my crappy life insurance plan.
On to the bike. I was hoping to do the damage but after 5 miles I was zapped. The pistons started feeling like cement and I backed off of the throttle. I made up some time pulling back a few riders but my 22 mph average was well off the winning split of 25mph.
The rest of the event was achy sweaty debacle in a lactic acid haze. 6.2 miles, 9 ½ minute miles and it hurt. I came across the line in 2 hours 46 minutes, in 76th overall, 7th in my age group.
I swam, I biked, I ran I finished.
The Traveling circus rolled into Cannonsburg Ski Area to represent the
Jeff C., Bill G. and myself lined up with the As and went to work for 11 laps by starlight.
Jeff and I squeaked into the top 20 and Bill G. threw down a righteous result lapping me and nailing a top five slot.
Next up is the PCOC Strut 10K
Love dan
Here is our latest addition to the family. Samuel "Sammy" Adams is an 8 month old lab mix we adopted Saturday.

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