The traveling circus ventured north this weekend with three goals in mind. Spread the gospel of Swiftwick Socks, take several pictures, and bring my body to the brink of lactic acid induced death using the big ring.
This is how the weekend unfolded:
#1 I went to the expo with a backpack full of schwag looking to introduce unsuspecting racer heads to American made socks that hug your feet and kiss your toes. The requirements for scoring a pair of socks? You either needed to be someone influential in the cycling community, wearing a tuxedo jersey or not walking around with a chip on your shoulder.
#2 Several pictures of sport, expert and Pros. If you use them for web and print purposes kindly donate what you think they are worth to Pretty Lake Vacation Camp.
#3 Over the past seven attempts at an Ice Man podium I have stood on the start line in freezing rain, wind and inches of snow.
The 20th anniversary of the Ice Man Cometh Challenge brought balmy temps, sunshine and screaming fast course conditions.
The 20th Anniversary of the Ice Man Challenge started with 2 miles of pavement quickly funneling into two track compressing 200 plus ego crazed big ring raging expert racers into a pile up of bikes, bodies and broken podium dreams. I made my way around the pile up and settled uncomfortably into the top 30 speed freaks knowing full well I would not be staying long.
The rest of the race was routine. Push it on the flats, take chances in the single-track, get dropped on the hills, repeat. I worked with Mike Woods for the first few miles which was enjoyable but just as history repeats itself; I popped and settled into a grimacing state of enjoyment.
Just like stubborn leaves in November, I hung on for as long as I could before falling apart. I left the remnants of this year’s fitness on the “Three Sisters”, my pride on “the wall” and my soul still lays in the fetal position sucking his thumb on “wood chip hill.”
I finished in just under 2 hours, good enough for an elbow rubbing sprint for 20th, a fake smile and a desire to come back next year.

Tyler "My teeth will kill you if my speed does not do it first" Sarasin

Jason "Sign of the Devil" Imhoff strikes again

Eric "I will help you kick someone's Ass" Patterson of D2 Racing

Bill "I am so pro I am raging" Gallagher

Reid "The One Speed Bearded Legend" Arnott

Brent Harris , on a fixed gear.

love dan
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